Ongoing Story/Have Elena show you the way to Lurash's chamber

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 23: Meeting Luhrash

"Elena, if we're ever going to free Li'a, we're going to have to confront Luhrash directly. Can you lead us to his chambers?"

"Are you sure that's such a good idea? I mean, he's really powerful..." Elena responds timidly.

"Yes. I know we can do it, if we catch him by surprise."

"Hurry, please! I'm about to burst!" Li'a moans. "I can't hold out much longer..."

"Alright, this way..." Elena sighs.

Elena leads you through narrow, twisty corridors, many branches in the path, several secret passages, and up several flights of stairs. You try to keep track, but you get horribly lost. You find it hard to believe anyone could navigate this place without magical help, or a lot of time spent in the's a veritable maze. But Elena HAS lived here her whole life. So you shrug it off as your lingering paranoia. You DO notice, however, that the walls are becoming more ornate and well kept, and the frequency of torches is increasing. You must be heading back towards the main part of the castle. Li'a spends most of the time whimpering and holding on to you for support. She feels so soft, so pure, you can't wait until she gets the curse lifted. Elena leads wielding the dagger in case any guards arrive, but strangely none do. Then again, most of what you're going through is secret passages, so why would there be guards?

Eventually, at the top of one staircase, the door opens to a much wider yet much shorter passageway with double doors on one side and a single door on the other. "Luhrash is in there." Elena says as she points at the double doors. "The other door leads to main entrance foyer." She closes the door behind you as you watch, but it vanishes into the wall without a trace. "Everyone get ready."

"If we have to fight, can you help?" you say to Li'a.

"I...I think so. But don't expect me to be of much use..."

"Ok, so we're ready then. Elena, you go first because you have the dagger. I'll go second, and Li'a will take up the rear."

"Sounds good."

You all walk up to the door, and Elena opens them both at once and strides into the room.

"Luhrash! With the help of this dagger, I freed Li'a." You and Li'a follow Elena into the room.

Suddenly, four demons burst at you and Li'a from each side, immobilizing you immediately. "...Like you asked." Elena runs up to Luhrash, who is sitting on a throne. Suddenly, two more demons you didn't notice before (not notice a demon?) flank him. It is simply unbelievable. Elena has betrayed you YET AGAIN. It's like she has some vendetta against you... and her beauty is SO irresistible...

"Ah! Greetings! I knew you'd make it out... with or without Elena's help." Luhrash stands and walks over to Elena, and gives her a short, yet deep kiss full body kiss. The demons turn you to look at Luhrash, who is literally the most gorgeous male you've ever seen. 6'2", Dirty blond hair, blue eyes. You can't see his body too well since he's wearing a midnight blue sorcerer's robe, but you can see part of his chest through it and it's lean and well muscled. He doesn't look too strong, but he's very sexy.

"Elena! You would betray your own father to this...this...demon sorcerer?" You yell.

"Well, yes, isn't he the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen? And he's so much smarter, and has so much more ambition than my father ever did. All HE aver wanted to do was fuck every woman he could get his dirty hands on. Luhrash craves power. Heh. I knew this dagger was a joke anyway." Elena smirks, and pecks Luhrash on the cheek while hanging off his shoulder.

You struggle to get away from your captors, but two demons are far stronger than you. "Now, anyway, back to what I was saying. I was about to thank you for making Li'a even closer to the edge. I had no idea she was a lesbian...I would have tried that before. Would you like that chastity belt off now?"

"No! Not for you...never..." Li'a trails off. You can tell she's almost at the breaking point.

"Ha. We shall see. Hmm..."

"Li'a, don't give in. We can find some way out of this, I'm sure."

"All...alright, Kayla. I'll try."

"Enough! Both of you be quiet. But your affectionate chatter has given me an idea." Luhrash gathers his robes and walks over to the throne, and sits down. "Bring Li'a to me, I want her to straddle me."

The demons holding Li'a drag her, with her fighting every inch over to Luhrash's throne. Elena gives you another smile and turns to walk over to Luhrash's throne. Halfway there, Elena stops, looks at the dagger, turns to look at you, and continues walking. Luhrash is too engaged with Li'a to notice.

"Now, let's see what I can do to turn you on even more..." Luhrash starts rubbing Li'a's tits slowly and sensually. Li'a moans. "Are you ready to give in yet?" He asks.

"No! I can hold out..."

Luhrash gives a slight laugh. "Well, let's see how much you care about your friend here..."

"Don't give in, Li'a! My life doesn't matter!"

"A noble sentiment. Let's see what she does if I order...

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