Ongoing Story/Find a way to free her, and escape. There may be more guards here at any moment

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 19: The oubliette

"Hold on one second, Li'a. I have the guard's keys. Let me see if one works..." You start trying keys in the lock of the manacles, and eventually one hand falls free. You lean over, your breasts brushing against hers, and unlock the other chain.

"Thank you, what is your name, kind mortal?"

"Kayla. And don't call me mortal, I plan to live forever, despite my genetic heritage. Now, let's see if any of these keys I thought so. Luhrash probably keeps that key around his neck. If we are to get this belt off, we're going to need that key. But first we have to solve the problem of escaping."

"If you manage to free me, the Goddess of Love and Light would be most grateful, perhaps make you an angel yourself. But you seem to be a much better at this sort of thing than I am. After all, you did escape in less than six hours. I trust you to lead me. Onward!"

You give her a quick peck on the cheek. She doesn't seem offended, so you know you're in for some great fun when you get that belt off. You ask her to hold your torch and stand a decent ways behind you, as you don't want the light to give away your presence.

Both of you start to make your way down the corridor leading off from the prison room. After one sharp bend to the left, you give a gasp in shock and surprise. You and Li'a are trapped behind what is known as an oubliette, which is basically a deep hole with a bridge on a pulley that can be raised and lowered. There is a guard standing duty on the other side of the oubliette, next to a wheel for raising and lowering the bridge. You hiss to Li'a "Get down! He might see your light!"

She quickly backs up a few feet, but it's too late. The guard looks up and says, "Kala? You there? Sir?"

Suddenly, you see a shadow rear up from behind the guard and slam what looks like a mace on the back of his head. He slumps to the ground. The shadow looks up, throws back the hood of it's cloak, and says, "Kayla? It's me...

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