Ongoing Story/Fight! These demons are no match for you and your companions

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 36: A Noble Effort, But A Doomed One.

"Fight! We must fight or suffer torture and death!" Lady Carol cries out, not willing to contemplate what cruelties the demons would visit upon her virgin daughter Alma. The female knight raises he sword and runs headlong into battle.

Seeing that its too late to try your other plan, you join in the fight as well. Your daggers weave a deadly dance in the torchlight as you slit one demon's throat, turn, and disembowel a second one that attacks you from behind.

Elena puts her whip to good use, wrapping it around a demon's thick neck. The infernal beast gurgles and spits blood, gnashing his teeth as he dies. Lady Gwen has also dispatched a demon by beheading the abomination, but a another has backed her into a corner, wounding her arm. She appears to be holding her own for now. However, Alma is not faring so well. She is so afraid of giving into her primal instincts that she doesn't kill a demon when she has one at the point of her sword. Seizing the oppertunity, the demon knock the weapon out of her hand and moves in to deal the girl a death blow.

"No! Stay away from my daughter! I won't let you touch her!" Carol screams hysterically and leaves behind the dead and dying demons she just dispatched to kill the one menacing her daughter. Dodging between the rape demon and Alma, the beast's talons eviscerate her instead of the young succubi. You arrive moments later, driving a dagger into the demons heart, but are to late to save Carol. Alma cradles her dying mother's head in her lap. Gwen and Elena close ranks, fighting tooth and nail just to stay alive.

The rest of the demons, realizing that your strongest warrior is now dead and your moral all but lost, press their advantage. They are just about to move in and finish you off when a winged-female steps between you and them.

"Enough! Leave them to me!" she commands you.

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