Ongoing Story/Decide to start trusting her again

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 12: Dungeon of Desires

The cell is a lot better than some you've been imprisoned in. It's neither damp nor overly cold, which is fortunate since you've been chained up nude for three days now. Without your half-elven resistance to diseases, you're sure you would have gotten a cold or pneumonia anyway. The worst thing is the chains -- you're chained up in such a way you can't move around, your legs spread wide, and even worse, your hands can't reach your pussy. Now that the hunger has subsided, you're getting increasingly frustrated with unrelieved horniness. You need to orgasm several times a day, and now it's only been once in three days.

Elena comes back to the cell later. She hand-feeds you some bread and apples, but you're still not sure about her. Once again, she kneels before you and licks you to a glorious orgasm. Her skill is almost uncanny, and you come screaming and thrash uselessly against your chains. The need inside your cunt is briefly relieved.

Elena looks up at you with sad eyes. "Please, Kayla, I only want to help you. Please don't hate me for what I did before..." She looks like she's on the verge of crying. Your heart melts.

"It... it's alright Elena. It's not your fault your father is a monster."

Elena's face shines up. "Then... you want to escape with me?"

"You're the best girl I've ever had, Elena. I want out of this place, and I want to take you with me. I'll take care of you outside."

She hugs you, and kisses your lips. "Thank you! I'll do anything you tell me!"

The chains restrain you when you try to hug her back. "Can you unlock my chains, Elena? I'd like to be able to touch myself."

She shakes her head. "Dad's the only one who has the keys. But I've brought you something to help..." She pulls a small white object out of her dress. It looks like the dildo Amida showed you, but much smaller, just four inches or so.

"Elena, I can't use it if I'm chained. And it's too small for me."

The princess smiles. "It's magic, beloved. It has a life of its own. You can control it with your voice. Just tell it to get 'bigger' or 'smaller' to change its size -- this is as small as it can get. She slides the ivory dildo into you, but you barely feel it.

"Uh... bigger?" you say. The dildo grows two inches. "Bigger! Bigger!" It grows to ten inches in length, the size Amida showed you. It's the object of your mission! Perhaps you can get out with both it and Elena -- what a triumph that would be! "Even bigger?" you try, and the dildo grows to a foot in length and almost three inches in width. It's very slick and lifelike.

"Thank you, Elena", you say. "Just being filled will make it feel better."

"This isn't all", the princess says. " 'Start!' " she orders.

Suddenly, it's like the huge dildo comes to life, pulsating and vibrating inside you, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You orgasm almost instantly, and the magic of the dildo keeps you on an orgasmic height for several minutes, cumming so hard it's almost painful, until Elena says " 'Stop!' " The dildo deactivates, going back to in-animation.

"You can control it yourself with those commands", she says. "I'll come by as often as I can, but it can keep you company in between. It will be three days until my father leaves."

"Tha- Thank you..." you whisper, barely able to speak from your incredible orgasm. You can understand that Amida was prepared to pay you so much for the enchanted dildo. You're not sure you would want to give it up even for the fortune of 5.000 gold pieces.

"Goodbye, my love", Elena says as she leaves you.

"G 'bye", you manage.


For the next days, you play continuously with the dildo. You loose count of your orgasms. You try making it bigger and bigger, but have to give up after 15 inches in length and 3.5 in width, when you can't take any more. You wonder how big it can grow.

Elena comes by every day, feeding and licking you. You repay her by licking her to multiple orgasms. During one visit, she shows you the dildo feels just as good up the ass. She licks you while the dildo works its magic, and the orgasm is the best you've ever experienced.

"How can you come by every day without alerting the guards?" you ask her one day.

"I just tell them I want to have some fun with you", Elena responds. "They assume I'm torturing you, because... I've done it to so many others." She starts crying softly. "I'm so ashamed..."

You hold her, quietly, for a long time.

What happens now?

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