Ongoing Story/"She killed two guards. We should let the others have their own revenge, don't you think?"

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 11: Boundup in the Barracks

Duke Korol smiles at you cruelly. "The other guards will want to meet the slut who killed two of their compatriots. Let them measure out their justice upon her flesh. Men, put this cunt in irons and chain her to a spare bed in the guards' barracks. Inform them that she is my gift to them, to do with as they wish." the Duke declares. The soldiers restraining you look at you excitedly. "Then see to the bodies of the fallen guardsmen and deliver the bad new to their widows in town. Once you do that you may join the festivities yourselves.", he adds as an afterthought. The soldiers expressions fall in disappointment, they'd been hoping to have the first taste of the spoils, now it looked like they might well be the last ones to enjoy your body.

They take you down to the barracks. The room is empty but you count more than sixty beds and guess there are at least as many guards. The guards shackle both of your arms to one of the bunks and strip you to the waist. They eye your fabulous body with undisguised desire and contemplate violating the Dukes edict, but think better of it. Korol's ire is a terrible thing to behold they remember shuddering.

"Don't worry fellas, I'll save the last few dances for the two of you", you tease them. "Hurry back now." Hopefully you'll be long gone before they get back and you won't be forced to make good your promise, they left angry and did not seem to think your jokes were that funny. After they leave you scan the room desperately for something to pick the locks on your shackles with. The only suitable tools you can see that you could possibly pick one of these locks with are the pieces of silverware laying out on a long dinning table thirty feet away. You can't possibly reach them on your own. You need help.

Just then a young red-headed page enters the room. He's a cute little boy ("little" you smile at your terminology, he's as tall as you are at least, but then half-elves aren't known for their height)and looks about 13 years old. He is carrying a broom.

"You're not here to use that on me I hope?", you kid the youth good-spiritedly. You don't want him to see any indication of anxiety on your face that you feel inside. You must appear to be in control if you are to manipulate him.

"Oh no, certainly not miss!", the boy says bashfully, averting his gaze from your nakedness. "I'm just here to sweep the barracks before the, um, 'festivities' planned for tonight.", Bryon the paige informs you sympathetically. Obviously he knows the fate awaiting you and thinks it unseemly to do such a thing to a 'lady' such as yourself.

"So you're not here just because you heard there was a naked elf-maid chained in here and were hoping to catch a peak?" Noting his reaction you can tell you've hit upon the truth. "That's OK, I don't mind.", you assure the boy. "Go on, take a good long look. See, that wasn't so hard was it? You like looking at me, I can tell. You've got quite a little tent pitched there for a boy your age. Ever seen a naked woman before?", you inquire flirtatiously. Bryon shakes his head "no" as his eyes grow wide, taking in your fantastic body. After finding out his name, that his father is the lord of a neighboring barony, that Bryon is here to serve Duke Korol until he learns warcraft and becomes a knight, and some other tidbits of information (like he knows his way around the castle and all its hidden passageways like they was the back of his hand) you ask, "Why aren't there any guards in here ravishing me already? I'm feeling insulted."

"The guard won't change shifts for more than an hour. The next shift is probably still in town and the shift on duty now has to wait for them to arrive and relieve them, but doubtless word's already spread of your presence here. I'm sure they're all eagerly anticipating getting off... er.. their shifts I mean. You should not feel insulted milady. You are the most beautiful creature I've seen in my young life, woman or elf-maid.", he tells you and blushes deep red. What do you do now?

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