Offer to trade with the pink bunny

From Create Your Own Story

"Really?" the bunny girl says, clapping her hands together enthusiastically. "Then let's trade!"

She grabs you by the hand and leads you into the changing room. She quickly strips out of her bunny costume, leaving herself naked. Your eyes are drawn to the tasty little slit between her legs, framed by a few wisps of blonde hair. Not that her perky breasts don't look good, too...

You dig your fingers into your fur and find that you're able to split yourself open. You slide your fur off, leaving yourself a naked, but human, woman. You still have a tuft of fur between your legs, but your pussy is much more visible now. Just looking at it makes you juice up.

"Why are we both standing here naked?" the blonde asks. "Let's switch already."

Do you:

Health Horny & Female Location:

The Costume Shop

MP 0
Level 5
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