Offer the guard a go with the brunette's mouth after you're done

From Create Your Own Story

"You can have a go when I'm finished if you like. It feels good," you groan as your balls tighten. The brunette screams something angrily, but can't vocalise the words due to the presence of your thick meat in her mouth.

The guard pauses and you can tell he's considering the offer.

"Alright," he says, nodding. "She is pretty fuckin' hot."

The brunette thrashes more wildly, but you hold her down. Her eyes dart between you and the guard in horror.

All this time you've still been fucking her lovely mouth, and at last the moment arrives. With a grunt you spray your baby juice into her mouth. She coughs and splutters, swallowing it down out of reflex.

"My turn," the guard says, hauling you off the brunette. He positions himself above her, ignoring her desperate pleas, and shoves his cock into her mouth. Immediately he starts to move his hips.

"Damn, dude, you were right. This does feel good."

You realise that the crowd around you are mostly drifting away, bored of the display before them. A few guys are left behind, however, and some are even bold enough to have started jacking off at the sight.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Arcade

MP 0
Level 1
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