Obey the man and strip naked

From Create Your Own Story

Terrified, you slowly begin removing your clothes. You're facing away from the man and you've taken a few steps forward to give yourself space to operate. First your shirt, then your shoes and pants, and your bra.

As you're reaching down to pull off your panties, you hear a loud noise that sounds like a gunshot and hear a feminine scream. You turn around and stare, horrified. The man who was holding you hostage is... dead. His face is gone and his brains are scattered in a six-foot radius around his body. A woman in what looks like an Army uniform must have screamed. Where did she come from? you wonder. A tall figure dressed in all black, cowled and masked, is holding an enormous shotgun. That must have been what killed the man. The woman in the Army uniform has a submachine gun in her hands and is pointing it at the cowled figure.

"Put down the weapon!" the woman in the uniform shouts.

"No way, bitch," says a very feminine voice. Looking closer at the cowled figure, you can clearly see the outline of a tall, very muscular woman. "Drop your puny popgun or your face ends up like his. And it would be a shame to waste such a pretty lady. I'd rather have fun with you."

You are way out of your league. Shaking, you slump to the ground.

"I'll never --" the woman in the uniform starts to say.

The back of her head explodes as another shotgun blast rings out. A second cowled, masked, feminine figure emerges. The two of them walk over to where you are lying on the ground. In unison they reach down and remove your panties, leaving you naked.

"What about you?" askes one of the women. "You gonna give us any trouble, or are you going to cooperate? You look like a tasty morsel." She softly caresses your body with a gloved hand. "I'd love to give that nicely curved body of yours lots of pleasure. I eat pussy like a pro."

"That she does," purrs the other woman. "I'll testify to it."

While they're talking to you, a squad of cowled, masked figures have been cleaning up the scene. In moments, the bodies are in the van, the ground shows no signs of a gunbattle, and the van is neatly rolled into a pond. The cleaning crew retreats, leaving you alone again with the women. They remove their masks and hoods. One is a blonde and one a redhead.

"Oh, introductions," syas the redhead. "I'm Agatha. This is Tanya."

"Sarah," you say, still shaken.

"Well, Sarah," Tanya says, "we're taking you with us. You'll find we're good in bed." They gesture to a building about 50 yards from the deserted rest stop.

"Our base of operations," Agatha adds. "That man was a dangerous predator. We've been after him for years."

When you get to the building, the two women direct you into a luxurious bedroom with a very large bed. "Let's get this party started," Tanya purrs, stripping out of her clothes. Agatha is doing the same.

You are possessing:
Sarah Schnell
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