Now Use Ninjutsu on the thugs

From Create Your Own Story

As you stand up from the hood, semen dribbles from your slit in a white trail onto your legs and then the grill of the car where it pools. All three thugs are mesmerized as you sit back on the hood and pull one of your legs back up behind your head acrobatically, holding it there with your hand and boot behind your head. With your other hand, you gently touch one of your long fingernails to the semen leaking from you and bring it to the tip of your tongue, pretending to taste it. As the thugs watch, hypnotized, the hand holding your leg behind your head secretly releases one of your stilletos into your palm. You bring your leg back down and kick both of your legs like a showgirl in a crescent, whipping yourself into a standing position. They stand dumbfounded as you begin pacing sexily towards the three men, stilletto hidden behind your back.

"Now I'm turned on..." you murmer as you close the few steps distance. All three of their jaws are gaping wide. In one fluid motion, you thrust forward like a fencer with your stilleto, stabbing the one that just fucked you directly in the throat almost to your hand. Blood arcs and he gurgles as you quickly pull the stilleto back while spinning towards the tall one with the gun. You complete the spin to him and slash the blade of the stilleto across his throat. He also gurgles and begins to fall, dying. The dangerous looking one starts to swing into action, but you finish your spinning motion and release the stiletto at him. It flies the short distance to his face, impaling his eye all the way back into his brain with grisly THUNK. The three hit the floor at about the same time and you put one foot on the chest of the dangerous one as you pull your stilletto from him, cleaning it on his shirt and placing it back in your boot. You also grab your thong from the greasy one's hand and put it back on, straightening your clothes and hair. You see a keycard on a chain hanging from his pocket and grab that as well.

While you managed to get no blood on yourself, it is starting to form puddles around the three bodies as they grow cold... Better move quickly.

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