Make Mr. Walker dinner for when he gets home

From Create Your Own Story

You are hungry, and you assume he will be hungry when he gets home from work, so it only made sense to make some dinner. You open the fridge and gather up the ingredients to make a nice pasta dinner and a salad. While the food is cooking you decide that you might as well set the table.

The food is almost ready when you hear a car pull up and Mr. Walker enters

"Wow that smells amazing!" He said excitedly. "You really didn't have to though, I would have been fine with just a frozen dinner or something" He added.

You smiled, "Nonsense, just think of me as your wife for the weekend" You replied before blushing and turning back to face the stove. You heard a chuckle coming from behind you and you realized how strange that probably sounded to him.

"Well then, as your husband for the weekend it's my job to find us an excellent bottle of wine" He said before leaving the room. As soon as he was gone you let out a huge breath. This wasn't weird right? This was purely innocent, just making him dinner because it's my job...not because it's romantic. Definitely no romance - this was going to be the new rule for the weekend.

Mr. Walker returned with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses that he placed on the table. "Would you like a glass?" He asked, while flashing you an innocent smile


Politely accept the wine

Refuse the wine - it would be inappropriate

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