
From Create Your Own Story

Screw it, you think to yourself.

You shove down your pants and casually walk over to your bed and sit down on top of it. Elder Blats seems to be unaware of your change of cloths as he shuffles through his luggage.

He finally speaks up. "I brought a few card games with me if you wanna' play them sometime. I didn't know if we'd get any free time but I heard P-days are good for just hanging around with other missionaries. It might be nice to..."

He trails off as he quickly looks over his shoulder. He stands there gawking at your half-naked body, looking a little confused and acting a bit flustered.

"Uh, Where did your cloths go?"

You shrug. "Took them off, it's actually really comfortable and it's not like either of us have anything to hide. We're both dudes and we're both Mormon so we can hang around in our garments if we feel like it. You can even try it if you want."

You had said something similar to your last companion when you started parading around in your underwear. While he had jumped right onboard with the idea, Elder Blats, on the other hand, blushes a bit before shaking his head

"S-sorry, I uh... I'm fine with cloths thank you."

He goes back to unpacking but you catch him glancing back at you a few times. He changes into a plain blue tee-shirt and throws on a pair of grey sweatpants as soon as possible.

"So, uh... what do we do first?" he asks, looking at you and waiting for a response.

You think about it for a moment. There are a few things you could do. Since you have eaten, and he probably had dinner in the Mission home, you don't have to worry about cooking anything. You could try out one of Elder Blats' games, but you don't know how good they'll be or what games he brought with him. You, personally, would like to try exercising together. And though Elder Blats may be small now, you could try getting him into it as well and try to help him build some muscle. It could be good for him.

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