MITM - Bedroom

From Create Your Own Story

You walk underneath the tape that separates the bedroom from the hallway. One of the investigators still in the room tell you that this room has already been looked into. She brings out a bag with a kitchen knife in it. They ask you to send this to the lab for analysis. You tell Simmons to do it. He sighs, putting down the information for who found the knife, where it was found, when it was found, and who bagged it. The investigator tells you that they found it in the closet, tucked away behind some boxes. They also remind you that this is not the butler's room, or the guest bedroom. This is rather the main bedroom.

After sending it to the lab, they quickly call you back. They tell you that they found two pieces of evidence on this knife alone. They found out that there was in fact blood on the knife. DNA comparison shows that it belonged to the victim George Kanan. Next, they found fingerprints along the blade of the knife. In comparison to the suspects and the victim's fingerprints, they found out that there were multiple sets of prints. One of them belonged to the butler, Patrick Longbottom. The next belonged to the wife, Nancy Kanan.

You thank them for the insight, and they comment on how weird it is that you thanked them. You hang up. Afterwards, the investigator tells you that there's nothing else in this room, so you can go somewhere else.

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