Look for fun in the food court

From Create Your Own Story

You saunter over to the food court, drawing appreciative looks from some of the mall patrons. You order a salad and flounce over to a vacant table.

As you start to eat, a young black man puts his hand on the other chair at the table. You recognize him as Udonis Morris, the star center of your high school's basketball team. His tall, lean, chiseled frame and 500-watt smile have made your pussy juice up just thinking about getting him in bed.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks. He's holding an order of fajitas in his hands.

"Not at all," you say with a flirty smile. "Please join me."

Udonis settles himself into the chair. "Thank you, Jill," he says softly. "You're very sweet and a lovely young lady. I treasure every moment I spend in your presence."

You blush furiously and a tingle passes through your whole body.

You are possessing:
Jill the Cheerleader
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