Look down over her head, make eye contact, and wink.

From Create Your Own Story

Sam spins around so fast that you think she's going to attack you! You step back, but she follows. A quick glance at her face let's you know she is going to attack you, but not in the way you originally thought. She bites her lip and steps forward, never taking her eyes off of your considerable package.

"I know we just met," she says breathlessly, "but I think we both want this."

At that, she makes eye contact and reaches into your pants with a clawed finger. She uses that claw to tease the soft flesh of your swollen sheath. Your breath quickens and you let your member begin to creep out. At first it stretches your pants, but Sam, wide-eyed with wonderment, pulls the waistband back to let it escape. The air, though hot, feels cool on your massive prick and the combination of your manly scent plus the thrill of becoming erect for this pussy cat is causing you to leak copious amounts of pre-cum from your flared head down your rapidly expanding shaft.

"I had heard rumors, but I didn't know how true they were." Sam says, "I...I've never been with a horse before and you are huge! Good thing I've prepared for this."

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Pre-cum Stained Pants, Massive Erection

Gender Male
Species Equine
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