LoL/(M)(GAF) Ask to be taken to Cuttle now

From Create Your Own Story

"I'll get dressed after I know that Cuttle is safe," you say. "Take me to the dungeons."

"Fine," the mayor says, clearly not happy as me motions for you to follow him. He leads you out of the hospital and through the streets to the police station. You draw many curious looks in your thin hospital robe.

"Afternoon, Mayor," the police chief says as you enter the building. "What can I do for you?"

"We're here for that creature that came out of the labyrinth this morning," the mayor says.

"We were just about to send it back in," the chief says.

"Well, now you don't have to," the mayor says. "The hero of the hour wants it."

The chief gives you a critical look. "Is that so? Well, help yourself, then. Last cell on the left."

You hurry down the hall to the end and unlock the cell door. Pulling it open, you stare in shock at the sight before you. Lying in a wooden trough half full of dirty water is Cuttle, a cut on his forehead leaving a trail of dark, blue-black blood down the side of his face as more blood leaks from one of his tentacles, which has been nearly severed and hangs by just a thin strip of flesh.

Labyrinth of Lust
Health Tired Treasure:

Jeweled Gold and Platinum Crown

Gender Male
Location Gay, adult, furry
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