Let's Burn Down a Castle- boooooogggozeentershed

From Create Your Own Story

You spit on the corpse before continuing down the hall. Her clothing was already pretty fucked up, but I suppose you can get a bit of property damage for that.

You've just inflicted 80 cents' worth of property damage!

Now you've got a nice, even number. Unfortunately, the flames on your torch have become too large to safely handle, so you toss it out the door.

Rounding the corner, you spot a large portion of the mob wrecking the contents of what appears to have been an atrium. There are several more corpses lying about - some of them are townspeople. The room has a number of exits.

Do you:

Health Bandaged leg, charred ½ thumb Equipment:

Pants, hand-rake, bottle of absinthe

Property Damage Inflicted $376
Blood 10.5 pints
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