Lay Fred down for a good fuck

From Create Your Own Story

"If you're my boyfriend," you say "it means I get to fuck you, right?" He nods happily and climbs off your lap, laying down on the couch.

"Take me." Fred says, "I'm all yours." You lean in and share another deep kiss. You let his tongue explore your mouth, feeling around in a way you know will become familiar with time, before you fight back and wrestle for control. The whole time, Fred's rough hands are rubbing your back and reaching around to cup your ass, pulling you tight against him. He is so amorous that you feel like he has multiple sets of hands, touching you everywhere at once.

You break the kiss and start making your way down his neck, tasting his sweat and smelling his male musk as he groans. As you pass by his broad chest, you stop at a hard pink nipple to tease, first with your tongue and then with your teeth. Your light nibbling is making Fred writhe around on the couch. As you work your way down, you notice how pleasurable his hard, if gut-covered, abs feel under your lips. He is scratching you behind the ears now and he must have figured out where you were headed by now. The base of his cock rests heavily against his stomach and close to your face as you bypass his sheath and give a quick lick to his heavy balls.

Even the balls aren't your final goal and you nuzzle the space between his leg and salty sack, smelling his manly smell that has been trapped there all day. You lick up inside that space for a while as you position yourself to push his legs back towards his head, exposing his asshole.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Throbbing Erection

Gender Male
Species Horse
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