Lay Fred down and prep him for a good fuck

From Create Your Own Story

You guide Fred to the couch and lay him down. The lube is all the way in your room and you don't feel like going to get it. You are pretty sure that your precum will help facilitate entry, but you want to make sure that it is comfortable for Fred. You figure that you are trying new things today, so you start working your way down Fred's cock. Each kiss and lick on the shaft makes him twitch with anticipation. You stop at the base of his cock and pay special attention to his balls. You get your nose in the crevice between his balls and leg and inhale deeply, relishing in his musk. The smell alone could make you cum, but you have work to do.

You raise his legs as you reach the base of his balls and start licking down his taint. He gasps, knowing where you are going, but not quite believing it; you aren't sure you believe it yourself. Before you know it, your prize is there before you. Fred's swollen anus is winking furiously at you as he reacts to your actions. You dive right in with your tongue and start swirling it around and around his tight ring. One of your hands wanders to the head of your shaft and you gather some pre to use on his asshole. When you pull back your tongue, you can hear Fred whimper in longing and laugh quietly to yourself. You use your meaty index finger to rub the pre around his hole before pushing it slowly in.

You are surprised at how easy it is to get one finger in so you add a second and a third. You are able to put four fingers up to the second knuckle into Fred and you can feel his insides massaging your fingers. It is difficult to describe what you are experiencing, but you feel the soft, wet skin of the inside of Fred's ass and you know that you want it massaging your cock instead of your fingers. You can also tell that Fred would do anything for you to never stop so you...

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Equine
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