Laboratory: Yell and try and wake one of them up

From Create Your Own Story

You shout in an attempt to wake one of them up. The guy in the polo is the only one who wakes up. He jolts awake, quite violently, and accidentally tosses the glasses he was wearing off. They skid across the tiled floor and end up in front of the guy in the basketball jersey.

"Where are we!?" He shouts.

You shake your head. "I have no idea. Wherever we are, we're stuck."

"Crap..." He mutters before asking, "Can you get my glasses?"

"Sorry." You tell him, "They're too far away, and even if I could I wouldn't be able to get them to you."

"Double crap..." He mutters.

"Anyways, I'm Ben. You?"

He looks up, "I'm Brandon."

"Cool name." You say.

He stays silent.

What do you do?

Laboratory: Wake someone else up

Laboratory: Learn more about Brandon

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