Kill the zombie-infected Holly

From Create Your Own Story

Jack is in no condition to do this. It's going to be up to you, you think.

You look at your sword in its sheath, then shake your head. Decapitating her would be too brutal. The thought turns your stomach. You point to Holly's crossbow, which is lying at her feet. "May I?"

Holly lets out a sniffle. "Yes, of course, Marina." She tries to smile, but can't. She closes her eyes. You pick up the crossbow, load a bolt, and aim it at her head.

"I'm sorry," you whisper. You try to find the strength to finish the job.

Holly's eyes open. This time, they are dead, yellow zombie eyes. With a yelp, you release the bolt, sending it into her skull. She slumps to the cold stone surface. You find yourself crying. "Jack, I...I don't know what to say."

Jack stands up straight. "Thank you for having the strength to do what I could not." He shakes his head. "Even after all this death, I never thought it could be my own wife..."

Faint zombie growls come from the distance. That spurs you into action, both of you wiping away your tears. Jack carries Holly's body inside while you gather up her crossbow bolts. He keeps an eye out with his rifle as you finish your work and climb back into the castle. The two of you then nail boards over the broken window and block it off with furniture, much heavier than the pieces the zombies knocked over earlier.

You knock on the heavy oak door of the nearby bedroom. "Annabelle, it's us."

The nurse opens it, looking at you and Jack. "Where's Holly?"

Jack shakes his head. "She didn't make it." He points to her body.

"Oh, no. Jack, I'm so sorry." Annabelle gives him a hug. "How many more are there going to be?"

"Too many." He looks over at his wife's corpse, which he has placed next to Steve's. "Well, I'd better take care of these burials."

"We'll help you," you say. Annabelle nods.

"No, I'd rather do this alone," says Jack.

Health 80 Equipment:

Pistol, sword, crossbow

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