Join the college-age kids throwing the Frisbee

From Create Your Own Story

You jog over to where the Frisbee-throwers are and make the "I'm open" gesture.

The Frisbee comes sailing in towards you. You snag it out of the air and snap it towards the next person in the circle.

After a couple more rounds, everyone realizes there's 12 people, enough for a game of 6-on-6 Ultimate.

You use your demonic skills to never visibly tire, pumping yourself up with fresh injections of demonic energy as your muscles gradually saturate with lactic acid. Your reactions are quick and your throws have depth, power and accuracy. Your team wins 11-8.

The leader of the college kids, a tall girl, comes over to you afterwards. "You're good. We don't normally hang on weekdays, but every Saturday we come here and play. You're more than welcome to join us any time."

"Thanks," you tell her. "I didn't catch your name."

"Sheila," she grins. "I didn't catch yours, either."


Sheila smiles. "I have my own studio apartment. Want to come back with me and hang out for a bit?"

You check your watch. You still have a little over two hours before you're expected home.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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