
From Create Your Own Story

You have definitely made it a long way now. It would be a shame to not even try! You decide that climbing would be easier now with a ladder, and you would not have to worry near as much about spreading your legs... Wes would be right below you, still, so you are wary of that, but the tank top does not spread. As long as your legs stay together, there should not be any way to see anything...

You feel embarrassed just thinking of Wes looking up at you. A little hot in the face as well. You grab one end of the ladder and trace your way back outside while Wes grabs the back.

"So, we are doing it? We have to hurry." Wes whispers.

"Obviously." You say. The two of you make it to a window where you slide the ladder outside. You instruct Wes to go out first - you can feel the end of the tank top ride up the back of your legs as you bend even slightly. Another inch or so and it would reach the tiny sarong/miniskirt you have tied (which is incredibly uselessly short on one side due to being tied), and another bit all would be revealed.

You climb out behind Wes, but use one hand to keep your cleavage in line. Without the other hand to steady yourself, it becomes hard to get through the window, though, and you find your straps loosening from the extra slack. You are a good climber, still, and slip through the other side, but stumble in the last moment - your reflexes sending your hands to steady yourself on the ground so you land on your knee and palms. You see your right strap has fallen, and you are knelt in front of Wes, not a foot from his crotch. With your outstretched arm, it caught the strap luckily before it fell too low, but from this angle, you know Wes can look right down your tank top, between your breasts down to your navel. The strap brought the cover for your right breast down, caught only at the point of your nipple - as if the fear of what would happen.. Of him seeing your exposed chest entirely caused the nipple to grow hard enough to catch the edge of the seam. The effect still makes the tank top show off the shape of your breast, with now only a small corner left to the imagination. You grab the top, cover yourself fully, and glare at him. He backs away. "I just... If you need help you should ask..."

You turn around and point upward. "Let's get the ladder unfolded and up on this corner first." Wes obliges, and you move to the ladder with your bag. You hope with your glare you indicate for him not to look directly at you, but you still say nothing. It would be hard to admit.

You climb upward, only looking back half way to see Wes staring neatly at the foot of the ladder while holding it. "Tell me if something is wrong, alright?" He says. You smile. Good.

You move to the fourth floor and bring out one of your cans. Finally you can begin - not too long from now, y-

"What the hell?!" You hear a voice. You look down and see Wes also looking where you are - the third floor window under the ladder. There is an older man holding a hammer. You put your hand on the back of your tank top to cover yourself. "What are you kids- What is going on?!" He then throws the hammer at Wes, and you see Wes cover his face with his arms and get hit. Then, you see the old man push the ladder.

You immediately grab the sill next to you, but in the panic of both keeping your legs together and jumping off the ladder, you lose your grip some and slide down. You feel your tank top caught on some rock, and it draw up against your side as you slide. Your tied scraps of leggings also feels loose. If that falls now, with your tank top rising higher up on your body, now drawing up to the bottom of your right ribcage, everything would be exposed. As it is now, your legs are completely showing, and the tiny tied fabric only covering a few inches around your pelvic region. The loosened sarong sits at the base of your hips.

You need to hurry and help yourself. Your first order is to drop the bag to the ground. The contents scatter everywhere, but you can not care. You are four stories up and potentially falling. You see Wes is worried about you, but is having tools thrown at him.

You know you need to save yourself, now. You can use your legs, of course, but doing so would harm the fragile tie keeping your leggings in place, and potentially expose yourself to those below. You could also just try and let yourself down slowly with your arms, but doing so would ride the tank top higher on your body, or even rip it.

Wearing Loose tank top riding up your body, fabric loosely wrapped around waist like tiny sarong, boots
Mood Full of adrenaline from potentially falling
Inventory knife, bag of 10 cans of paint, 2 planks, crowbar, pepperspray
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