
From Create Your Own Story

You take the crowbar and pop open the front door. It is both large and heavy, and despite your best efforts, does not seem to budge much from its frame. You push it and pull it, only for it to remain well in place. Thinking this does not make much sense, you realize the door has been partially boarded up on the other side.

Wes, who has been sitting patiently, whistles. "Some work you're doing."

You throw the crowbar down. "What, can you do better?"

Wes moves up to the door and pulls at it with his hands. It opens just a fair bit, though he has to keep it held. "You can go in like this. Maybe unlock the window to our right so I can get in?"

It is a good idea, but you do not say so. Instead, you just squeeze through the door opening. The door presses hard against your back, and the frame presses against your chest. You are mostly through the door, so you do not think much as your left shoulder presses past the frame. You feel the hoodie drop off the shoulder, but know that no one can see - no one is inside, and Wes is on the other side of a door now. You feel both your thighs and your feet even having to squeeze through. Your body reaches the inside and you see darkness within - only faint light reaching through the windows. The door slowly begins to close up behind you while Wes speaks. "Sorry - really hard to keep held. You good?"

"Yes." You say and finish squeezing yourself through. The door closes all the way, but as you try and move forward, you feel your legs unable to move. You pull at them, then feel your top unable. You feel what happened.

"You alright?" Wes asks at the other side of the door. Could he tell what happened? Likely not, and you are glad. In the jagged bits you created with all the crowbar nonsense your leggings have been snagged dozens of times in the frame. To slow you down more, when your hoodie was caught, it apparently stayed in the door. You have to shimmy your top half our first, but in the process of trying to angle out your shoulder, the door frame's scraping along your back has undone your bra. The doorframe thoroughly holding on to most of your clothes, you are rather well pinned. You think of getting Wes to undo the door, but he would see the predicament you have been left in.

Instead, you take your knife from your back and cut away at the hoodie. You came in here thinking there might be something, and a hoodie without a sleeve is not the biggest deal. When you are done with that, you feel the bra half fallen off your chest. With no light, you are not much worried, though still, you try and pull at it. It is stuck with the hoodie's sleeve. You put the broken hoodie on the ground and leave the sleeve and bra in the door. You remove your boots and leggings, then try and cut the leggings loose - no luck. You are just stuck with a bunch of tattered, useless black fabric. You begin to put things away in your bag when you hear a clatter from above, then what sounds exactly like footsteps. Someone IS here!

You move to the room to the right with your bag in a hurry. The main steps creak behind you. You deftly close the door to the next room and see a light turn on - a flashlight. Who could be here? Who would live in a run down place like this? A homeless person? Construction workers?

Part of your question is answered in this room. It looks like a library, with shelves everywhere. There is a small closet or wardrobe, and another door. The window is closed and dark, but you see Wes' figure outside. You know well he can not see in, but still, you cover your chest with your hands. You only have on your boots and panties, now. You don't want to waste the time to let Wes in, but if he is, you would feel safer if it came to a fight. You have a knife and pepperspray, but are rather vulnerable. You could try and do something with the leggings to dress, then let him in. Then again, this person is coming close. You may not have time! You could just try and go to the next room - come back for Wes later.

Wearing boots and black bikini style panties
Mood Afraid
Inventory knife, tattered leggings, bag of 10 cans of paint, 2 planks, pepperspray
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