If it turns out you can't get logged back into the hibernation pods, you'll be dooming him to spend the rest of his life with us!

From Create Your Own Story

This stops Nicole, as she considers this. With great difficulty, she eventually concedes that you are right and that they shouldn't bring anyone else into the same mess you two are in. You both decide its a good time to hit the bar afterwards.

The next week is surreal for you, as you drink, go swimming, and dine with your childhood crush every day. She loosens up with you as time bears on. You even suspect she may be flirting with you from time to time - flashing you a dirty smile after saying something with a double meaning, and letting her hand occasionally brush yours. You consider how best to work your relationship to the next level; for as much as you're enjoying being a companion with Nicole Kidman, every time you see her emerge from the pool in a sheer white bathing suit, and see the dark outline of her nipple against the pale of her skin, you feel a physical need to bed her.

One day, you are having a drink with her at the bar. As she asks you about yourself, you let slip that you're a bit of a computer whiz. She nearly drops her wine. 'Why did you never say so?' she shrieks, ecstatic, 'have you had a look at the central computer?'

Realising the hole you've dug for yourself, you try to backpedal. 'Oh I didn't really get the opportunity-'

"Well come on, quick!"

She drags you away by your hand, leaving you to spill your wine in your wake. You arrive at the computer room, and she watches you expectantly as you make a show of looking over the computer. Eventually, you feel there's no choice but to reveal that you can, in fact, plug her back into the hibernation pod. She jumps with joy - the sight of which almost makes you fall over, and then she jumps on you. She loops her arms around your face and kisses you passionately. Your faces mash together, and your tongues dance inside each other's mouths for a moment. Then all at once she breaks away, breathing heavily.

'I'm sorry.' She says, composing herself. 'You got caught in the moment.' You offer, and she nods graciously. 'So when can you put me back in?' She asks, looking at you with those dazzling eyes.

You think for a moment. This may be your last roll of the die.

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