I Can't Help It/Wonder where Sparky, the family dog, is?

From Create Your Own Story

Sparky wasn't the most inventive name, sure, but he'd been around since she was a child. He was a husky, somewhat large for his breed, fluffy and adorable with silver eyes and could easily pass for a wolf instead of a dog. The only issue was... He was kinda a tricky bastard to find. He practically teleported, never appearing where you'd think he'd be or somehow getting past you when you were sure there was no possible way. Hannah got up, wandering into the kitchen to see if he was at his bowls. Beside some chunks of kibble missing, it was clear he wasn't there.

The dining room was the same, lacking any sign of the canine.

The living room was devoid of dog.

The bathrooms was, obviously, dog-less too.

In fact, checking all rooms with exception to her own, Sparky was nowhere to be found.

Except, when she returned to her room, there he was. Sitting on her bed, panting, grinning like an idiot.

Bloody dog...

She walked up to him, giving him a soft pat on the head, enjoying the gleeful whine and nuzzle in return. Sparky had always been a good boy to her, being there when she needed a friend and cuddling up to her on cold winter nights. They even hid together during thunderstorms, neither one of them very fond of the sudden crack of lightning. To say they were close was an understatement. Of course, the one problem now was that Sparky reminded her of Lucas. Someone strong, reliable, someone who loved her unconditionally. In fact, he'd even off-handedly commented that he was jealous of their friendship, laughing as he made the suggestion that she and Sparky have fucked. She'd lit up like a firework to that comment, she wasn't entirely certain he was kidding... But, then again, the idea had intrigued her. Sometimes, she'd thought of Lucas and Sparky double teaming her.

It disturbed her how good it sounded.

It was then she was snapped out of her thoughts by the chill nose of her canine companion, prodding against her panties. She recalled that he'd never been near her when she'd been aroused and hadn't been neutered... He had every right to be curious. But the moment his tongue darted out, slapping along her hot folds, she let out a yelp of surprise. Sparky looked up at her, confused. Hannah was frozen, staring down. Feeling his tongue rub along her, warm and soft, was a thrill... But this was wrong! He was her pet, an animal, she shouldn't be doing this!

But... Nobody would know. Would it hurt, just this once, to let him have a taste?

Well-Being 100/100 Items:

Pink Tank Top and Panties, Sparky the dog

Gender Female
Lust 35/100
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