Hot and Horny/Jessica Jennifer Fuck Warm Josh Up Again

From Create Your Own Story

Your eyes light up with renewed lust when you see your little brother's cock twitch under you. God, you're still so fucking horny! The roleplay and the incest and... everything! You want more, whether or not Josh does. You're about to reach down and jerk away his flaccidity when he clears his throat and starts talking.

"Um, actually, Jess- Jennifer?" he says, catching himself at a stern glance from you. "I have to pee."

"Aw, Josh, haven't you had your morning piss yet?" you say, pouting. Your pout turns into a mischievous grin as you slowly lower yourself and then grind your naked, slippery pussy along the underside of his growing shaft. "Well...

You are:
Jessica, age 21
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