High Voltage/Tell Elianna Remove2C

From Create Your Own Story

Elianna giggled as I debated which item of clothing to remove. This was a bad choice. I hoped to play a game that would have resulted in Elianna naked, but this was foolish. Now it was I who would be naked. I would be the slut. I couldn't let that happen.

"I quit!" I said, "I don't want to play anymore!"

"Oh, come on," she pleaded. She looked at me and continued, "It's fine, Lauren, it was just a game." She brought her hand to her mouth and a worried look came to her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She shook her head and ran towards the bathroom. She must have overdone it. I stood up and grabbed my sweatshirt. Now that I was standing up, I could really feel the effects as well. I walked toward my room, collapsing on the bed. My room felt like it was spinning.

Should I:

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