Helping her parents at the store

From Create Your Own Story

Sitting behind the counter of her parent's tailoring store, Fiona was silently watching the day pass by. She sighed as she looked at the plain dress she was wearing, wondering if she would ever escape this poverty her parents had raised her in. However, the store was getting more empty everyday and only a handful of peasants came there to ask for minor repairs on their torn clothes. Things were not looking bright.

The door opened. Thinking a customer would get in, Fiona stood up, only to find Anna, her sister, entering the room with haste. "Sister, sister, come with me! There are two men in armor in the marketplace, two knights, riding horses!" Fiona's eyes widened. "Horses, you say? Isn't it forbidden to ride a horse in the middle of the marketplace?" Anna nodded. "They must be very important, then, if they have such a right in our city. Maybe they're on a mission for the King!"

Fiona's curiosity was telling her to follow her sister to go see the knights. After all, everyone knew that the royal knights were sometimes even richer than the nobles who hired them, and she dreamed that somehow, she would be able to get a little gold from them. Cunning was the key. However, she would have to leave the shop unguarded, and her parents would be angry if they were to come back from their friend's farm before her.

What will Fiona do?

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