Head into the dark suite with Audrey

From Create Your Own Story

"We'll head in together" you whisper. She flashes you an annoyed look and starts to creep through the partially open door. You follow her, entering the suite. Your eyes begin to adjust to the darkness and you take in the furnishings as the aroma of food, marijuana, and opium crosses your senses. Phil Collins "sussudio" plays from an entertainment center on one side of the room, helping mask the sound of your movements. In the dim light you can make out that it is one large room with s sunken center area for a living room. Off to one side is an enormous bed, currently occupied by the fat man and the two topless young women. On the other side is the door to the hallway and what looks to be a kitchen. You quietly work your way across the room, dodging empty champagne bottles, a room service cart, and the discarded clothes of the room's other occupants. Laughter and giggling is coming from the bed as the fat man enjoys himself with the two topless women.

You take cover near the kitchen counter to stay out of line of sight, and Audrey moves to the peephole to look out into the hallway. She gives you the signal that she can't tell if it's all clear or not... there might still be guards out there. Even so, it is obvious that there were women in this room so they might not pay attention to her slipping out into the hallway, but your not sure what the plan would be from there.

As you are lost in your thoughts, you hear movement in the suite hallway. You take cover instinctively and see Audrey turn in place and freeze. You hear an unfamiliar female voice that slurs with intoxication. "Oh, I didn't know we were still waiting on someone. I'm going to freshen up real quick and then we can go take care of this big boy." You can still see Audrey from your hiding place and she nods her head approvingly but looks perplexed... the voice must have been talking to her. Suddenly a small light flickers on from the direction of the bed, illuminating her.

"Hey, I heard that you little minx" the fat man bellows from across the room. "I've always said three's a crowd and four is a gang... a gangbang maybe! Looks like Hugo knows how to take care of a VIP." He laughs raucously. "Well, what are you waiting for sexshy...you found the right room, join the party!"

Shit. Audrey is discovered. She flashes you a look of despair, then disappears from your view. The light flickers off again.

You aren't sure what Audrey has planned. You can either wait and see what she does, perhaps getting a better view of the suite in the darkness, or you could go down the hallway to check the rest of the suite and the other voice, or you could slip back out onto the balcony and proceed on.

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