Head for the open road

From Create Your Own Story

You thunder towards the highway ringing the town and snap on the bike's radio. You're naked, with 1100 ccs of vibrating engine between your legs- all you need are some tunes!

The radio is a baffling set of controls and you can't seem to get it off AM. Some low-rent newsman is interviewing a near-hysterical woman about whatever made her hysterical. "She just shot him, right in front of me!" The woman sobs and Mr. Low-rent tries to comfort her.

"My best friend!" she wails. "I thought I knew her..."


You roar up the on ramp and instantly realize why there aren't any naked biker gangs:

The rushing wind is incredibly cold. Your naked flesh is awash in goosebumps and you can feel the blood retreating from your fingers and toes.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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