Head for the Resort

From Create Your Own Story

You leave the safehouse and slip into a cab to escape the leering gazes of every man in the street. The driver is an out of shape older french man (based on his accent and cheese smell) who checks you out unashamedly and smiles approvingly. He needs dental work.

"What is a young girl like you doing out in the big city alone?" he asks as he stares at your body in the rear view mirror. You squirm uncomfortably at his gaze.

"I appreciate your interest, but I won't be alone for long, please take me here," you reply as you hand him the address.

The cabbie looks at the address and chuckles as he starts to drive. "If you don't have any luck there, an old timer like me has plenty of money stashed away," he says as he looks at your chest in the rearview mirror. At this rate he will crash the car before you get to the hotel.

Ugh, not in a million years, you think to yourself. "I think I'll be fine," you instead reply curtly. At least the call-girl illusion is working. Between the cabbie and rubbernecking guys in the street when you exited the safehouse - you are definitely pulling off the high class escort illusion.

The cab arrives at your destination and you pay the cabbie. You notice him checking out your ass and legs as you exit the vehicle as he is definitely not shy about it. He whistles appreciatively. Pervert.

"I'll be waiting out here if you change your mind," the cabbie offers again, gap toothed grin on display. Does he really think a girl as hot as you couldn't get a date?

You are at the entrance to the resort. There is a red carpet covered with people, celebrities and photographers for some special event in the ballroom. Being photographed is probably not the best way to start the night (even in disguise), but there is a smaller and less crowded front entrance to the left of the main one. You also see a small dark alleyway snaking around the side of the hotel.

Which way will you go?

Do you:

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