Head for Jamaica. After years of Russian winters, life in the tropics might be nice.

From Create Your Own Story

2 days later, you're safely in Jamaica. You buy a large house on the beach and enjoy listening to the rhythmic music and watching the pretty girls dance.

Speaking of the girls... it might be fun to do more than just watch them. You start chatting in a friendly way with the beach girls and in a few days you've narrowed it down to 2 you're considering asking back to your house.

Amelie is a native Jamaican. Her dark skin, large chest, and toned legs make her very attractive. She has not, however, indicated that she'd be particularly interested in banging you. You'll need good seduction skills.

Becky is an American tourist. Her skin was pale but has gotten a bit tan during the 10 days she's been here. She's a bit plumper than Amelie and has a slightly smaller chest. She has indicated a strong desire to have "some serious fun" before she has to go back to the US in a couple of days. She should be easy to get into your bed.

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