HSSS: Totally sucker punch Toni

From Create Your Own Story

You have had it with this slut. You bring you first around and punch her square in the jaw. At first it was satisfying, but then that didn't last long.

Jon screams at you, "Amber what the hell why would you do that!?"

"I... I just I had to get her away from you" You are close to crying due to his yelling, apparently you aren't over him like you thought you were.

He continues yelling, "Why would you want that! She's my friend!"

"She's a slut she just wants to have sex with you!" Now you're yelling.

Jon then helps Toni up and says, "No, she's not. Just get out of here, stay away from us"

You then go to the back of the bus realizing that you still yearned for Jon, and that you just ruined your relationship with him.

You go to homeroom

Head to your locker

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