HC: Explore the room you are currently in

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to take a look around the room you're in. It's basically like any other old hospital room, except for several broken items. There is a window to the far left of the room. There is also a skylight on the ceiling, indicating you're on the top floor of this building. The door is old and barely attached to it's rusted hinges. Opening it would be simple. Strangely, the bed you had just gotten up from is now gone. You hear faint voices that sound somewhat like 5-year-olds whispering to you.

"Open the book...Open the book..."

Just as the voices silence, you notice a black book printed with strange markings lying in the middle of the room. You are certain it was not there earlier.

What should you do? Should you:

Equipment: Textbooks, Hospital clothing

Health: 100

Whereabouts: Hospital Room

Sleepiness: 1

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