Grab a whip off the wall and punish the mature brunette

From Create Your Own Story

Such a luscious woman needs to be punished!

Remembering the girlfriends and whores you used to flog during sex, you examine the collection of whips hanging on the wall. A particularly evil one catches your eye: it consists of a black, wooden handle sprouting three strands of what looks like barbed wire. Jesus, any bitch whipped with that won't stand a chance. It would be murder, not just torture!

With a painful erection straining inside your pants you grab the barbed whip and a normal, hard-leather one and walk to the chained brunette. All the while, the leather-clad man is watching you intently.

Without warning, you bring the normal whip down hard against the buttocks and back of the mature woman. She screeches in pain, her body shuddering. Her lace bodice falls to the ground, releasing her massive tits, wobbling and swaying. You continue whipping her, and after about twenty strokes her back is covered with bleeding welts. The woman has collapsed on the floor, crying softly and barely conscious.

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Health Seeking Purpose Location:

Manor Stables

MP 0
Level 1
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