Go into the boy’s bathroom

From Create Your Own Story

You go into the boy’s room and are disappointed to see nobody is there. You were hoping for some embarrassment at the least. Oh well, you decide to humiliate her by attempting to use the urinal.


You turn around at the confused voice to see Kelly’s good friend Adrian. He’s kind, talkative, and athletic, definetly a potential candidate, and his ruddy face is kind of cute. You look him up and down to see what you can glean from him, and you like what you see. If you don’t possess him, you could interact with him. Cause a little disorder as little Bonnie and Clyde. Or Supergirl and Lex Luther, whichever floats your boat.

“What are you doing? This is for boys,” he says, embarrassed.

At least you did get that embaressment you wanted.

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