Get your stuff together and rush to the mall

From Create Your Own Story

Quickly you put some new clothes on and grab your stuff. You manage to make it about 20 minutes late. Kayla, Julian, and Max are just up ahead. Kayla's long blonde hair reaches down to her breasts. She is wearing the same pink and white jacket she normally and an unusually short skirt. Julian has short dark brown hair in a jagged cut. It reminds you of one of those anime characters, not that you'd admit to watching that stuff. His skin as dark as most Indians but his dad is African and German while his mom is almost 100% Korean. Max's face has a casual half smile and his short blonde hair brushed out of his face and half slightly hidden by a hat. Kayla gives you a friendly scolding about being so late but by the end of it your all laughing.

you can:

see a scary movie. (your not old enough to get in but Max could pass as an 18 year old)

look around the shops, maybe there's something you want to buy

hang out at the food court even though you've all eaten.

You are: A 15-year-old girl
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