Get the dogs off of her

From Create Your Own Story

Eventually you decide you can't stand there and let the dogs fuck her, even if you're the one who set the dogs on her in the first place. You grab the one behind her and pull. The dog doesn't like being interrupted... and you've neglected to tuck your dick back in. The dog grabs your prick between his teeth and chews it to ribbons.

You fall over, screaming and bleeding all over the place. The salesgirl is shocked out of her horny state and runs off. You lie there, half insensible, and vaguely notice the blare of a siren. You're semi-aware of being loaded into an ambulance, but you don't really regain coherence until you wake up in a hospital bed. You immediately look to your crotch. Your penis is hidden beneath a thick layer of bandages.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your dick bandaged Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 2
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