Furry World/Male Raccoon/You split up in Tunnel 3

From Create Your Own Story

"Let's split up. I'll take the left, you go right. Come back here and hide if you see anyone. I'll check back here in ten minutes."

Tara nods. "Got it." Taking one more listen for any footsteps, you move out from your hiding spot and head to the left hall. Tara pads silently towards the right hall. You know you can trust her to be careful, though you worry anyway - if she does get caught, any noise she makes trying to reach you will surely attract the attention of every baddie in the dungeon. She knows this, so she's much more likely to stay silent, which means you won't know until you miss your rendezvous.

You shake your head and step into the hall. There are torches about every fifteen feet or so, about half of them nearly burnt out. It runs straight for a hundred feet before turning right. You pause behind each torch, continuing to listen for enemies and hearing none. You're starting to think this place is abandoned.

Another 90 degree turn to the right, and then you enter a room about the size of a large prison cell. You can barely see in the darkness, but what you do see thrills you.

It's a classic treasure chest. Closed and dusty, but definitely the kind that people put valuable items in when they want to hide them from the world. You step quietly toward it and keep an eye, and an ear, out for traps. Then you lift the lid...

All you find inside is a single large ruby. From what you can see in the dark here, it looks to be a fine specimen. But whoever left it here wouldn't have bothered to put just one thing in this chest in such a deep cell, would they? There must be more hidden elsewhere.

You pocket the jewel and head back to your rendezvous point. You step carefully and silently back along the tunnel, leaving no trace of your intrusion. This is too easy, you think to yourself.

Once back in the room, you return to your original hiding spot. Tara isn't there yet, but you weren't gone for very long, so you just wait.

At the ten minute mark, you listen. No sound. You wait another few minutes. Still nothing. Tara is late. Perhaps she got lost? You hope that's all it is.

After twenty minutes have gone by, you have no choice but to go after her, hoping that she's all right.

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 100 Equipment:

Dagger, Ruby

Gender Male
Species Raccoon
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