Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/You take a tour of the studio

From Create Your Own Story

"Welcome to Mariposa Studios." Barbara guides you down the hallway past the lobby, which leads to a larger room. She speaks in a quieter voice here: "This is one of the recording areas, where our actors perform for the camera. We have larger ones upstairs."

The studio really did take over an office building - you can see the stereotypical shape of a large space that was once filled with cubicles and individual offices, but has been modified so that the "offices" are larger and completely private. One of the rooms is open, and you peek inside to see a small control space and a set made up to look like a comfortable bedroom. The bed has been stripped clean, and a mop is visible in one corner. The control area has some recording equipment and two small studio cameras neatly tucked against the wall, ready for use in another scene. There are three more of these rooms, all closed. One of them has a lit "Recording" sign, and a smaller sign below it reads "When lit, recording is in progress. Please keep your voices down."

Barbara gestures to the opposite wall. "And these are our business offices. Mine is over there in the corner." You look over to see a brightly lit office with a large wooden desk facing toward the door. On top of it is a computer monitor and several stacks of papers, and you spy pinups of both male and female models lining what you can see of the walls. There's another office next to it with the door closed and the blinds closed in the adjacent window. The door is labeled "Accounting".

The snow leopard then heads through another nearby door, which leads to a decent sized break room. You see several coffee pots, a well-stocked drink cooler, two refrigerators, and a small kitchenette and sink over in one corner. There is a relatively small calico cat girl seated toward the opposite end of the room, wearing a pink bathrobe and reading a book, with a cup of coffee on the table. Barbara says, "Hey, Val. Come meet the new guy!"

The cat looks up to her boss, then to you, and immediately brightens up. She gets up and saunters over casually, saying "Well, hello there! My name's Valerie. What's yours?" She only comes up to your chest, so she has to look up at you when she's making eye contact. Not that she's doing a whole lot of that at the moment.

You smile and say, "I'm Ron. Apparently I'm the new guy." You glance to Barbara, still just a little unsure if this is really happening, but she just nods in return.

Valerie says, "Ron, eh? It's nice to meet you." She turns to Barbara and says, "Nice pick, Mom. How'd you find this hunk?" She looks over you again, peering at your unique pattern of fur and scales. "I've never seen anyone quite like you before." You think to yourself, Man, I sure hear that a lot...

Barbara says, "He's Jenny's boy."

Valerie gasps. "Jenny??" She looks over you again. "But how did...?"

You chuckle a bit. "My dad was a dragon."

Valerie says, "Wow. What a story! We've got another dragon here too. She acts and runs the cameras. You should meet her."

Barbara cuts in. "So, Ron here wanted to audition, so Jenny brought him in today. Let me tell you, he passed that with flying colors out in the lobby."

The cat giggles. "Oh? Did you pin him against the wall and demand he fuck your brains out?" You blush at this.

Barbara nods back. "Got over his nerves real quick, and he gave me the best line I've heard yet. What was it you said, Ron?"

You think back. What DID you say? Oh yeah, that's it! "I said, 'If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up.'"

Valerie whistles. "Smooooth! You're a real Bogart, aren't you?" She steps closer to you, giving you a tantalizing view of the cleavage hidden within her robe. "Mom's done that with all the guys who come in looking for a job. You'd be surprised how many of them just fall to pieces when she gets all up in their faces. Sounds like you nailed it!"

You blush again and rub your hand behind your head. "Uh, thanks. I don't know what came over me."

Valerie grins. "That's exactly what makes a good actor. Improvise without thinking too hard. If it comes naturally, go with it." She looks down at your crotch, another person to admire your package. "And I wonder what else 'comes' naturally here..."

Barbara chuckles. "Now, now, no harassing the newbie, Val. You'll get your chance." Valerie sticks her tongue out at her boss and turns back toward her table. She looks back over her shoulder and slips the corner of her robe down just a little. "See you later, handsome." Then she returns to her table and goes back to reading her book.

The leopardess continues. "You probably know by now what this room is. Pretty obvious. We have most of our meetings in here - none of that formal bullshit." She turns to you briefly. "I only call people into my office if there's something wrong or something private I need to discuss with them. But we're one big happy family here, so that kind of thing is really rare."

Without looking up, Valerie adds, "Like that time last week when Steve got a little too excited?"

Barbara says, "Uh, yeah. I'll tell you about that later when we go over the ground rules." To Valerie, "See you later, hon. Remember, your shoot's in one hour." Valerie nods and takes a sip of her coffee, and the two of you move on.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit
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