Follow grant and saddler to the mobile home

From Create Your Own Story

Instinctively you want to give whoever did ths a piece of your mind so you follow the pair inside unknowingly he was already thee waitung the man looked kinda elderly but beams with a smile his distinctive straw hat and white clothes and cane say loudly you could trust him and seconds before u could say anything ellie starts acting angry ok whos the jerk my names john hammond he replies she stops dead in her tracks then you remember this Is the guy behind most of the funding here you just take a step back and look on oh your mr.hammond you say kinda embarrassed he smiles uh yes as you all know I am the funder of the site I am very much interested in maybe refunding alans ears perk up at that then he cntinues however I need expert opinions on my latestet project its a theme park or rather a biological preserve of sorts he gives a half smile and alan interjects what kind of park are you talking about and why would you need our expert advice hammond smiles well you see Its not a ordinary park or zoo its right up your alleys he looks over at you your welcome as well he says I coud use as many paleotoligests and paleobontanists as I can get you remark well im still in traininng but hammond insists anyway he continues its just going to be for the weekend ofcourse soo im sure I can fit in a extra person then alan and ellie look at each other well we dont know we just got a discovery and the timings off hammond resmiles holdin his checkbook when I said id fund your group Id put in for another 3 years you and grant and ellie just gasp wide eyed did he just say that ellie then says a litte overjoyed so wheres the plane

Looks like im in

Ive got work to do here

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