Finally give the vixen what you and she both want

From Create Your Own Story

After several more minutes of teasing the poor vixen, watching her heat deepen even more for you, you decide the time has come. You get back on your knees and reach down, grabbing a hold of her panties and yanking them down off her waist, exposing her pussy completely to the air. You then guide your swollen tip to her entrance and thrust forward. Those swollen folds spread wide to accommodate your girth, wrapping around it and tugging urgently as you sink yourself in. Your pre starts to flow eagerly from your tip, further lubricating that hot, velvety passage as it stretches around you.

"Hunh? Wha?" Your thrust finally wakes up the vixen with a start, and for a second she seems thoroughly confused, blinking uncomprehendingly up at you. You don't give her any time to think, though - you thrust again, sending your shaft another couple of inches inside, groaning as your balls churn harder and faster. You reach down to grasp her breasts, feeling how much bigger they are now than before, bringing your fingers together to pinch and squeeze those nipples. The fox girl rewards your actions with a tortured groan.

Finally, she seems to come to and, for a moment, looks like she might scream. Having been so rudely awakened, you aren't surprised. You get ready to clamp a hand across her muzzle, but then her bewilderment and fear seems to melt away as the sensations catch up to her. The incredible pheromones, her persistent, unquenched heat through the night, and now the futa-induced changes to her body... this feels right, you can tell she's thinking. She relaxes, and starts to thrust against you, whispering, "Yes... just like that..."

Needing no more encouragement, you thrust harder, sending your cock deeper inside her thirsty tunnel, feeling those walls stretching around you as you plow toward her cervix. Not even half of your huge herm cock is inside yet, and already you're filling her tunnel completely. You thrust again, pushing harder, feeling her push back, slamming against that dead end again and again, until finally you feel your shaft squeeze through the tight, muscular ring!

Deep inside her innermost chamber now, your medial ring forces its way past the vixen's pussy lips, further locking you inside her. She moans again, apparently feeling no pain from all of this, simply goading you on further as she plays with her swollen breasts. "Yes, take me, stud! Harder!"

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Futa
Species Horse
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