Emily: Make Emily Take her Own Shirt Off

From Create Your Own Story

Important Info
Inventory of Ghost
Condition of Intruder
Intruder Sightings of Ghost

If this little thief won't strip herself, you decide, you will have to help her.

As you've been drifting along behind her, you have noticed that she is thorough: she opens every door and at least looks into every room. You can use this. Two rooms down is an art studio. One of the doors in the studio was the entrance to a supply closet. You know she will check that like she has every other room here, and soon.

You know you have to work quickly, so you leave Emily and go ahead of her to the supply closet. There are several shelves here, holding art supplies no one has touched since before you died. On a top shelf, just above the height of Emily's head, is a bottle of acid. You loosen the cap until it is almost completely off, then set it right at the edge of the shelving. You remember the shelving as being rather flimsy. You double-check, and you are pleased to see that your memory has not failed you. The shelves are rather flimsy, and tend to move around at the slightest impetus.

When your arrangements are made, you rejoin Emily, just as she opens the door to the studio.

Exactly as you knew she would, Emily opens every door in the studio, and eventually reaches the door to the supply closet. When she does, you are behind her. As she opens the door, you give Emily a gentle shove toward the shelves, and you give the shelves a gentle shove toward Emily, causing her body to glance off the shelves. More importantly, the impact of Emily's body bumping into the shelves, light though it is, causes the bottle to fall onto her chest. As it falls, the cap comes off, and as a result, the acid in the bottle spills all over the front of Emily's shirt.

Emily looks down, checking to see if there is any damage done. "Shit," she says when she sees the acid eating away at her shirt. "Shit, shit, shit." She practically rips her shirt off in her hurry to remove it, and throws it on the floor.

Emily inspects her breasts, apparently wanting to make sure the acid didn't hurt her skin. When she is satisfied, she picks up what is left of her shirt. The acid has eaten most of the front of the shirt away. What is left was damaged when she tore it off in her hurry to get rid of it.

She frowns and drops it on the floor again. While she is doing this, you inspect her breasts. As you thought, she wasn't wearing a bra, and her bare breasts are impressive, not the largest you've seen, but full and round and tempting.

"At least it's warm enough to get away with this," Emily says to herself. "And no one will ever see me like this." If she only knew, you think.

It doesn't take her long to finish inspecting the studio, decide nothing there is worth taking, and move on to the next room. You follow behind her. You are pleased with the result of your attempt to make Emily remove her own shirt. You wonder if you should do something to make her take her panties off, or if you should think about hiding the sweatshirt and jeans she has taken off and left in your mansion.

Emily: Hide Emily's abandoned sweatshirt and jeans - Light

Emily: Figure out a way to make Emily take her panties off - Medium

Emily: Insert a tendril in her rectum before she realizes what is happening - Hardcore

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