ESB: Darth Vader: Take off his Pants

From Create Your Own Story

Sith Lord Darth Vader

In a sudden move, you deactivate your ightsaber. Luke looks to you, stunned, and is even more stunned when you grip his lightsaber with the Force and fly it out of his hands and fall deep into the chasm below. He looks to you in wide eyes and fear. You also notice the tent in his fatigues grow harder. You extend your arm and close your fist.

The young Jedi squirms in your grasp and his hips buck against an invisible current of pleasure.

"You don't know the power of the dark side, Luke."

With another motion of your other hand, the zipper on Luke's pants zip all the way downward, awkwardly heaving themselves around his ankles. You stare at his bulging underwear and smile as you see it extend even further. The boy must be enjoying the humiliation. Luke pulls back and starts inching away up the stairs, struggling to pull his pants back up.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Darth Vader
Empire Strikes Back

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