Drop to your knees and begin licking Suzy's pussy

From Create Your Own Story

You drop down in front of Suzy and with lightning speed whip her panties down her legs. Before Suzy can react, you're underneath her, with your tongue sliding along her slit.

Suzy lifts first one leg, and then the other, allowing you to slip her panties entirely off.

"Better," Suzy says. "Panties should either be on or off. Halfway on is no good."

You continue licking at Suzy's slit. Her sweet juices are intoxicating. You reach upwards and place your hands on Suzy's bare ass cheeks, holding her in place while you lap away at her.

"Mmmmm," Suzy purrs. "That feels very good. But we really should move to my bedroom."

Health Horny Location:

The Doll House

MP 0
Level 4
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