Don't just sit there, now's your time to outshine Escher!

From Create Your Own Story

You run alongside them with your sword in hand. The dragon roars but that just sends a grin across your face as you know the battle has just started. You can see some flames start to seep out of its mouth and when you get close enough it breathes it out shooting the fire at you. Escher manages to avoid it and Musiea was able to stop before she got that close but you become enveloped in the fire. As it leaves you are frozen in pain but not burned and for some odd reason neither are your clothes. Escher is now slashing away at its chest giving it several large gashes before it swipes him away with its arm. You run up to it and put your strength into a stab and it starts to fade into the blue essence you had seen before.

You see something glimmer in the air where the dragon once was. Not snow or rain but a light just floating there. You walk over to the light to see that there is darkness in the shape of a circle in the middle. Escher's hand runs through the small light and the circle moves with his hand. Once out of the light you can see that its a ring. A gold ring that he then places on his ring finger.

Musiea looks at you with a smile "Lets go find your ring now."

venturing on a little bit you can see a crystal. Musiea looks at you and says "This one will be up to you alright?" You nod as you place your hand on the crystal. And the light falls around you and off. Now you are in a cave of some sort. a large open flat area, and as you look around you see that lava falls are lighting the area. In the middle of the area is a enormous lion that looks like its made out of magma. "We will help if your in any serious trouble okay?" she says with a smile.

"I wont need it." you respond.

You take out your sword, lightweight as it is a lion will still be too fast to match movements, you think.

As you approach it, it lets out a roar like a signal that the real battle has just begun. dashing at you with intense speed it stomps and you jump back just barely enough to avoid it. Then running forwards you cut its leg. Not a severe cut but just enough to slow it down a bit. It steps back and you slash its hind leg as you run behind it. You suddenly see a ring of flames appear around you and close in. The fire hurts but doesn't burn anything. As you brush it off it attacks you running at full speed headbutting you and flinging you up against the wall, your sword a few feet away it runs at you again.

you can:

You are: A 15-year-old girl
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