Doll House: Umm... No?

From Create Your Own Story

Oh good, because that would be terrible. You reluctantly halt your munching on your Cheese Puffs to think for a moment. Ugh! You want to give up and its only been, you check your watch, twelve seconds. Alright, you think, check your surroundings find something to jog your memory. You look around, you're on the bus. No shit Sherlock, you thought at your obvious observation. You try again, a little harder this time (A/N) That's what she said.Um, your alone. No shit Sher- no wait that's actually important. Why? You question yourself. It's because everyone's out side. Why? Well, because the air of the bus was poisoned.

But it should be fine now, the bus aired out. Aired out. You quickly look down at your zip-lock bag full of Cheese Puffs. Shit-. You rush out of the bus and run straight into a man slightly taller than you. You have no time to take anything else in as he bends you over sticking his finger down your throat causing you to gag and then puke. Once you finish vomiting you:

Doll House: Bitch slap the man

Doll House: Ask for an answer

Doll House: Marvel in his beauty

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