Doll House: The obvious emotions

From Create Your Own Story

What you saw was; exactly what you were expecting. You saw, lust and disappointment. He looked down before you could fully grasp and understand what he was feeling. You try to stutter some words out but none come. You look at the taller man you just dominated. The only things running through your head now were questions. Especially about how you felt for this man in front of you, a man whose name you didn't even know. Your throat burned, you could barely comprehend why he kissed you in the first place let alone why he kissed you back after you... thinking about what you had done formed a blush on your face. Your deep in your thoughts when you realized he had snuck away from you. You feel guilt, disappointment, and something you had never really felt before, heart break.

Looking to the ground you see a sheet of paper. You eagerly pick it up. Once in your hand you notice what he had left you was a map. You looked at it, there were three places were circled on it. Blight High the school for all of the children that lived here, A small shop on the corner of an abandoned street, and Blight Manor. You decided these were all very important, but what you noticed the most was the long stretch on road exiting the town, the very same road you are currently standing on. Well, you now know you way into the town, what do you do with this information.

Doll House: It's time you go into town

Doll House: Go look for the others

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