Demand to know why you were lied too.
From Create Your Own Story
"With all the shit you talked about trust," you say, interrupting the moment between the two, "you lie to me from the get-go. Why?"
Alisha looks up from the hug, takes a deep breath, and then speaks. "Because. The two of us were scared to go out on our own. Neither of us wanted to lose the other. I figured we could play the damsel in distress card and let you take point. If something bad happened to you, the two of us could escape while you were getting..." and she pauses there.
"Fucked and or killed," you say, completing her sentence. "Lovely. That still doesn't explain why you told me the two of you had just met."
Alisha cants her head and smirks. "You're a man. You're far more likely to help us if you think there's a chance we might fuck you."
"I'm a human being," you say. "I would have helped you anyway."
"Sure," Alisha says. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
The moaning in the alleyway grows louder, and you all fall silent as what sounds like several footsteps approaching the door.