D&D: You aproach the three knights

From Create Your Own Story

As you aproach the three figures, they turn to you and smile. One of them bows down to you.

"Good morning to you my lady. Your beauty is breath-taking in this lovely day."

You blush and you smile "Please, please... I am no lady" you answer in humility.

The second knight reproach you and remove his helmet, shaking off his mid-long brown hair. You feel your cheek flush and you start to feel embarrassed to be in front of these men.

"Maybe in title, but you do radiate from the common. We have no choice but to treat you like so." he smiles.

Are they flirting with you? it can't be... yet you can't shake the thought.

As you make small talk about them, they claim they have come to Waterdeep to deal with the sewer problems. They are knights of Luruar and they were called to deal with some demons in the sewer. You try to be helpful as they take this opportunity to ask you some questions but you only heard rumors.

The other two knights takes off their helmets and present themselves. Two are brothers, Beld and Larl. They are almost twins and you can't seems to make up which one is which, although one has green eyes and the other has blues.

The third knights is a little more silent then the other but just as cute in his own way. He's an elf named Falei. His eyes are enigmatic and his long black hair seems to give off a mysterious aura. You feel mesmerized as it takes you everything to keep track of the conversation. You also present yourself.

D&D: You flirt with the brothers

D&D: You flirt with the elf

D&D: You flirt with all three of them

D&D: They ask you to help them once they know you are a spell caster

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